Monday, July 30, 2007

The forgotten victims of 911

Remember the way the twin towers came down. Everyone commented on the fact that it looked just like one of those building demolition jobs. Maybe it was. That’s what films like Loose Change allude to. But if it wasn’t, and if two planes flew into the towers and a few hours later they came straight down, then how do all the guys in the building demolition business feel?
Like losers that’s how.
These guys charge big money convincing people that what they do is an art form. That you have to spend days calculating the exact amount of explosives and the exact place to put them to ensure the building will come straight down without damaging the surrounding property. But turns out it aint that hard. You just fly a plane into the side of a building and wait an hour or two and she’ll come down neat as you like. One plane per building is all you need. It’s quick, efficient and with the number of airlines going out of business these days I don’t think it would be that hard to get an old passenger jet for a bargain price. As if that wasn’t damaging enough to the egos of the men in the building demolition industry consider World Trade Centre Building 7. You might not have heard much about building 7. It was only about 48 stories high. But about 5.30pm September 11 she came down too. Again, straight down without damaging the US Post office that was right next door. Now this building wasn’t even hit by a plane. Sure some bits of the World Trade Centre fell on it and it caught fire on a few floors but this was only the 3rd steel framed building in the history of the world to collapse after a fire. The other two being World Trade Centre 1 & 2. Look up 911 building 7 on google; there is a very interesting film with footage that most of the news networks never played. But hey, this story isn’t about conspiracies. But if I was making another 911 conspiracy doco and needed funding I would ring building demolition companies and ask them to stump up the cash, cause if anyone is going to be happy to prove that the World Trade Centre buildings we bought down by explosives it’s them.

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