Monday, February 4, 2008

Space Fridge

They say the modern fridge has more computing power than Apollo 11 did when it took man to the moon.
That got me thinking. Why does the search for other life forms have to be so serious? Why do we have to send out probes with mathematical codes and diagrams of a man and a woman etched into gold plates? Why can’t we have a bit of fun? Why not make a good first impression with good old-fashioned humor.
So here’s the plan. We know a fridge has the computer power to get into space, so lets send one. Or even better, lets sends thousands.
Lets fill with a selection of yummiest food items that require refrigeration, and then launch then into the space in different directions.
Imagine the delight when one of our fridges lands on a planet with intelligent life?
After all the boring high tech probes they would have received over the years a box full of chilly snack would be a real hit. They wont know what.
Nothing says ‘We come in peace’ like a fridge full of food. A gastronomic gidday from man.
There would have to be a bit of planning. We’d have to watch the expiry dates on the stuff we load. Could be a long trip. And a selection of low fat items would be advisable. Think about it. You never see chubby aliens. Those grays with the big eyes look like they watch their weight.

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