Monday, July 16, 2007

Things I would do if I ruled the world. Part 1

Let me start by saying I have no major plans to take over the planet. If I had those kinds of resources I would be more inclined to put my efforts into looking for another planet somewhere else. This one is looking a bit manky and is too crowded.
BUT, if I did find myself in charge I would obviously have my own island with a hollowed out volcano and some kind of death ray device. It goes without saying that I would have a small army of men in matching jumpsuits who would drive around my island in golf carts and a personal body guard who could be an 8 foot Norwegian woman with a samurai sword or 1 Chinese midget with titanium claws that shoot poison for hands.
An island like that pretty much runs itself and despite the huge numbers of little men in lab coats you always see fussing round death rays they actually need very little maintenance. So I would turn my attention to other pursuits. First on the list would be the creation of that chemical that you put in public swimming pools that turns purple when people pee. That is an urban myth that deserves to become reality and as ruler of the world I would have the resources to get it done.

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