Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hotel Security in Cairo.

I hate Cairo. If someone ever invents a giant steamcleaning unit that a city council could hire to come in and steam clean their city, and if that steam cleaning company decided to make a tv ad to promnote their service and if the ad agency suggested a tv concept that invovled a dirty dusty city thaqt needed a clean and a shiny sparking city that had just been steam cleaned the they could use Cairo as the before. But that said, they do have good hotel security. The x-ray machines and guards at the hotels make people feel more secure in these terrorist conscious times and the hotels love them. As well as bombs guns and box cutters coming, in the machines have also been set to detect hotel robes, towels and cutlery going out. Reducing theft by a whopping 28%. Another plus in the war on terror.

If the giant city steamcleaning unit got invented the owner probably wouldnt bother adveritisng in tv. I'd suggest DM to all the big citys. Maybe clean one for free. Or a bit. Go into Sydney and clean the opera house just to show what you can do.Or go into Amsterdam and clean up the redlight district. Well that's what you tell the wrld you are going to do and they think you mean get rid of all the hookers but you just clean the buildingas and everyone goes 'Ohhh, I get it' and mayors all round the world think I should get my city cleaned. Maybe the steamcleaning company hire the Queen of England or the Pope to do viral email where they say something like'I visit alot of cities and I like the ones that arent stinky and dirty so clean up you act.' That would get cities taking notice. when they get cleaned they could put a little logo on the city that shows up on google earth. Maybe they could also do an ad with an astornaut on the space shuttle. Get him to film cities from space and show us how the dirty citys look realy shitty from up there. He could imply that if you have a dirty city aliens wont bother to visit you. When a city was about to host the olympics the steamcleaning compnay could send them a letter saying 'Wanna look good for your big event?' Beijing would probably have to have the ultra heavy duty package. Maybe the Ameircans could give Bagdad a steamclean when they pull out their troops a a way of saying 'Sorry we fucked you country even more'.
And if the steamcleaners do find themselves in Bagdad maybe they could pop over to Cairo and do that town casue it needs it......... did I just write that all out loud?

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