Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm a big fan

In the ad game you often get tasked with coming up with names for products. Maybe that's why this fan caught my eye. It dominates the ceiling in one of Abu Dhabi's new trendy bars called the Yacht Club, where Lebanese ladies meet to see who has the biggest shiniest handbag.
It's a big fan. A really big fan. In one of those crap hollywood b grade horror films, this is the fan that would be going at the high school prom and the phyco would set the speed to 10 and there would be lots of fast cuts between the teenagers having fun on the dance floor and the fan shaking loose and then it would drop and there would a shot of a wall getting sprayed in blood as 30 kids were decapitated.
So what do name a company that makes really really big fans. Sometimes, the first idea that pops into your head is the right one.

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