Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The human stock market

We all know one humnan life isn’t worth the same as another. The media remind us of that all the time. For instance, last year 40 people died in Afganistan courtesy of a suicide bomber. 40 is the number of Afganis that need to die in one go to make front page news. If it had only been 20 it wouldn’t have got the same coverage. But if there had been just 5 Americans in that market. Boom! The story would have blown up.
I wonder if there is a ranking system set up somewhere where mathematicians and media experts work together to rank the most valuable of us in terms of centimeters of newspapers space and seconds of TV coverage?
Grim thought I know. But say it did exist, then I bet ya it wouldn’t be long before people worked out how to make money off it by betting on different nationalities moving up and down the ladder.

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