Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Love pub quiz? The answer is yes!

I think the pub quiz was thought up a couple of weeks after the pub was invented. Brendon* noticed that the crowd seemed to drop off Mon, Tue and realized he needed a way to get the punters in.
The guy was clever. He didn’t need a bunch of focus groups to work out that the big problem for a lot of people was that it was tough trying to justify to themselves or loved ones, that they should get on the piss, right after a weekend of doing just that.
The answer? Make it a little more like work than a night at the pub.
Instead of, ‘Honey, thought I might go for a few beers with the boys tonight.’ It was transformed into. ‘Babe, gotta go to pub quiz tonight. The boys really need me. I’m the go to guy for music trivia. Can’t let them down. One more win and we are in the draw for the electric powered weed trimmer.’
Genius. Not a night at the pub, a night of intellectual stimulation… in a pub.
And because Brendon was so smart he probably wrote all the questions for the first quiz himself.

*someone told me the guy who invented the pub was called Brendon. But we were at the pub at the time and they were drunk, so it could be bollocks.

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