Friday, February 22, 2008

Fat suit fun

Did you see the episode of Tyra ( new millennium Oprah) where she went out in the fat suit and got a feel for how fatties are treated?
That got me thinking. Why should fat suits only be for skinny people? Why don’t they make a fat suit for fat people. It would be cheaper than a normal fat suit because you wouldn’t need so much fat in it. A fat person could put it on and spend the day getting stares and hearing the whispers. Then they would have the rush of ripping off their fat suit and suddenly feeling a whole lot better about themselves. It would be like waking up after liposuction, without the pain and bruising and bandages that have to stay on for weeks. Removing that fat suit would transform the fatty from morbidly obese to just really really fat.
It would also be a great new market for the makers of fat suits. I mean, how many daytime talk hosts and ladies magazine writers are going to do the ‘I found out what it was like to be fat for a day’ story? Not a huge market. My idea could send sales through the roof. I’ll tell you what will get fat. The fat suit maker’s bank accounts.

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