Monday, July 2, 2007

Terrorist scare in London a big blow to the IRA

According to the UK PM’s top terrorist advisor, the foiled car bomb plot shows that al Qaeda has imported the tactics of Iraq and Indonesia to Britain.
I understand the eagerness of the PM’s office to appear to be on the case and up to the minute on this event, but didn’t the IRA used to let off a load of car bombs back when Osama Bin Laden was still working out a logo and picking the furniture for al Qaeda’s head office?
Rather than rush to the press conference to start spouting out sound bites, the PM’s office should stop and think about what they’re saying. Another bigwig declared that this was international terrorism but it has the English homeland stamped all over it. The trigger in the Merc parked outside the nightclub failed to go off. Typical pommy workmanship. Bet the loser that built it wishes he had done the whole suicide thing, because he’ll be the most embarrassed terrorist in Britain at the moment.

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