Friday, April 20, 2007

Frogs, fries and bunnies

So I met all these French sailors at my local last night. Did you know the French still had a navy? When I think of French seamen I think Napoleon and big arse sailing ships and cannon balls. Maybe that would be a good way for the French to go. After all the damage they did in the Pacific with their nuke testing, maybe they could redeem themselves by going back to using wooden sailing ships and have the worlds first carbon neutral navy. Anyway the funniest bit of the night was watching a Frenchman eating french-fries. I mean that probably isn’t funny for French people they probably get that gag served to them all the time (In much the same way people from Afghanistan get hassled when they eat afghan biscuits) or maybe they don’t. French Fries were originally called Pomme frites. Do you think the poms took offence and said ‘Alright old chum, if you call them pomme frites we will know them as French fries.
Back to the new look old style French navy. If their ships were wooden they wouldn’t show up on radar and that’s a good thing if you’re a warship right? If the British had been in a wooden ship maybe they might not have got busted by the Iranians a few weeks back. Wonder if the pommy navy serves pomme frites? Speaking of the English sailors that had a free holiday in Iran. You know how they were returned home as an Easter gift by the president of Iran? Don’t you think it would have been quite funny if he had wrapped them up like Easter eggs? You know just for a bit of fun. Or had a man dressed as the easter bunny escort them home in a giant basket. There isn’t enough humor in international politics these days.

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