Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tooth Brush Bollocks

A had this magical toothbrush. It lasted for over 18 months. 18 months without the bristles losing their stiffness and bending over. It was still going strong when I left it behind in a hotel in Egypt. It was only after the loss I reflected on how long I had had it and how short a time a toothbrush usually lasts. But why is that? Are you telling me that with all the technology the teeth cleaning industry has at its disposal they can’t make a toothbrush that will last for say, a year? Of course they could. They’re little nylon bristles and lets face it, they don’t get much of a work out do they. 30 seconds twice a day at the most. And yet after a few months the bristles sag and the brush goes in the bin.
I reckon this is another version of the light bulb conspiracy. You think they can’t make a light bulb that lasts for years? Of course they can. But then the light bulb makers wouldn’t sell as many. So they keep us used to the idea that a light bulb needs to be replaced at regular intervals. Just like your toothbrush.
So what about my magic toothbrush? How did that slip through security and out onto the shelves. Was it a renegade toothbrush designer determined to put the pockets of the people first by working from the inside to develop the longer lasting toothbrush? Or just a design fuckup where someone on the phone to the manufacturers in China accidentally told them to use the good nylon. Bet when they found out their mistake the company rushed round and bought up all the offending brushes. Maybe they tracked me down to my hotel in Egypt and used some kind of mind control technique to make me forget to grab my toothbrush out of the bathroom before I checked out. There’s an idea for a movie in here. What am I wasting my time on this blog for ? I need to write it. See ya.

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