Sunday, November 18, 2007

My new drinking initiative.

A week or so ago I made a decision to stop drinking everyday.
Well that plan turned out to be as successful as the launch of the George W Bush Spare Rib restaurant chain in Baghdad.
I was forced to revise my drinking initiative. Instead of the commitment to ‘Not drinking everyday’ instead I just don’t drink in the same place everyday.
I’ll be honest with you. It’s been tough. I am a creature of habit. I like my local but I am serious about changing my ways so I have found other bars to drink in. The upside of that is you meet different people. Last night I met a Dutch airline pilot and a Canadian airline pilot. They were both so dull they almost cancelled each other out, but that in itself was funny. Kind of like a really really really alternative comedy act. Mind you, I guess you want you airline pilots dull don’t you. Dull and serious. Serious about knowing all the button to push and how to land that big metal bird on the allotted piece of ash felt.
I met a pilot once at a party. He was pissed and I asked him about the rules regarding drinking. He said they were very strict. The rule he told me, was no smoking 24 hours before a flight and no drinking within 20 feet of the aircraft. Tough but fair.

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