Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Pooh - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

This is a t shirt my friend Paul Akiki and I have up for voting on Threadless at the moment. You can go vote for it by clicking on it if you want....

Pole Position

So my friends have started pole dancing classes. I thought they were joking but it turns out there really is such a thing. My first thought was that it is great that strippers can turn their skills into a job when the allure of the strip club fades. My four friends are all women. I don’t think many guys would sign up for pole dancing, but apparently it’s a hardcore workout. Actually, I kind of got that impression from the routines I have seen over the years. I’m not sure how my friends plan to use their new found skills, but I wonder if a pole dancer finds it hard to walk past a street sign without getting the urge to do a quick twirl. The woman doing the classes reckons they tried to get pole dancing into the Olympics. Fair enough, the equipment is already there and it would be a lot more audience friendly than pole vaulting.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu coming to a tv near you

You know who wins? The chickens. After all the bad PR they have put up with they must be chuffed that another animal is copping the bad press about passing lurgies onto the humans. Given the choice of swine flu or bird flu i would go for the avian strain. Just seems cleaner. Maybe if they have to do a public awareness campaign on swine flu they could use Porky Pig. People like him and he seems healthy. Or maybe Spiderpig form the SImpons movie. Or Babe the pig. People respond well to movie stars telling them what to do.

Radio Ga Ga

If you have a young child and a car you’ve done this.
They insist on you playing one of their crappy nursery rhyme or fairytale CD’s as you drive them to school or a friend's house. You drop them off and continue on your merry way, only to discover a few minutes later that you are still singing along.