Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monkeys rampage in Indian capital

They have huge problems in New Delhi. As well as 35,000 sacred cows and buffaloes that roam free there are packs of wild monkeys going ‘ape’ Just a few weeks ago the capitals deputy mayor fell to his death fighting off a pack of the crazy little nutters. But last weekend something set them off on a rampage through a neighborhood in East Delhi. Could it have been the story about the stranded bananas in the North Sea? Monkeys love bananas and the thought of thousand going to waste would be enough to push them over the edge. Especially because it happened in Holland. It is well known that there is no love lost between the Dutch and monkeys.
New Delhi really only has itself to blame. Unemployment is rife among the New Delhi monkeys. The only occupations available to them are in the Zoo and as contestants on Indian Idol. The Zoo only ever needs about 10 monkeys at a time and their singing is shit so they never get past the first audition of Idol. The result is packs of bored unemployed monkeys roam the streets looking for trouble and the Internet where they can read stories like the one about the beached bananas.