Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Speed Wump.

It is the little ideas that can make a big difference. There was this guy who worked for coke and he came up with a tiny change in the design of the can that meant each one used a fraction less aluminum. Saved the company millions.
Well, I have come up with the equivalent for the roading industry concerning the matter of speed restrictions. It is simple, and when you read it you will think either A. That is genius I wish I had thought of that. Or B. That guy has too much time on his hands.
Why a speed bump? Why not a Speed wump. A speed hump is a hump and speed wump is a dip. But I called it wump because it sounds catchier.
With a speed hump you have to add stuff. With a speed wump, you take it away.
And that ‘s it. A simple idea that cuts down on road building costs. Mother nature has been doing it for years. A speed wump is just a series of potholes in a line.
Good news for major cities with roading systems that are outdated, over used and under funded. That must be about every city on the planet.
Well, I am off to patent my incredible new road safety device, but first I need to make sure I haven’t ripped the name off from a Doctor Suess book.

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