Thursday, August 16, 2007

Say cheese kids.

So the naked baby from Nirvana’s Nevermind album is 17 now. His name is Elden and he lives in LA and works part time in a juice bar. Got me thinking about another person who was famous for being a naked kid in a photo. That poor girl during the Vietnam war who was snapped running down the road naked tyring to get away from the napalm. Imagine if they hooked up, became a celebrity couple and had babies. Man, they would be like THE celebrity couple. I bet their kid would get to play with Brad an Angelina’s kids. And I bet Annie Lebowitz would offer to take a photo of their kid in the nude for free. But it would be a tasteful nude. If they hooked up right now in LA they would totally eclipse Posh and Becks. It would be a match made in photographic heaven. I might ring that plonker from American Idol who manages Posh and Becks Simon whatshisname. If anyone can make it happen it's him.

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