Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Presidential race and sex.

Maybe it’s true, maybe America really is a shinning example to the rest of the world. A beacon of hope. A torch in the darkness. After all they are seriously considering the idea of considering a black man for president. It wasn’t long ago that most of them were salves. And as if that wasn’t enough, it also looks like a woman is also going to get to take a shot at the title. A woman! They run kitchens. What do they know about running countries?
The rest of the world might not be comfortable with this, but America says, ‘It’s 1907, lets lead by example’. …….…… But hang on a minute, it isn’t 1907. It’s 2007.

So maybe someone should tell the American news networks. I’m not American, black or a woman, but if I was any of those three I couldn’t help but be embarrassed by the way the American media goes on about Obama and Hilary. Especially Obama. As if it is a real breakthrough that a black person is even being considered for the job. I hate to burst any bubbles, but women and black men have been running countries for a quite a while around the rest of the world. Some of them are even quite good at it.

Now if America had a presidential candidate who was a black man who used to BE a white woman that might be something for the networks to get excited about. A black man or a woman? Sorry, that’s just catching up with the rest of the world.

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