Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How do you bomb knowledge?

The US Government’s 16 intelligence agencies have come out and said that Iran halted its nuclear ambitions in 2003. A very intelligent move for once. They saw how their colleagues were hung out to dry in the wake of the failure to find WMD in Iraq, so rather than keep quiet now and help Bush with his plan to bomb Iran back to the stone age, they have decided to implement and arse covering maneuver and come out with the truth now.
So what does Bush do? Change the rules.
Suddenly it is not about having the facilities to build nuclear weapons. It is having the ‘knowledge’. Maybe the Iranian nuclear scientists should hand themselves into the men in black. Tommy Lee and Will Smith could wipe their minds with those little flash things and they would be free of the knowledge. Failing that how do you do fight knowledge?
I suspect Bush’s answer is that same as the solution to the Iran problem last week.
You bomb.

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