Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ITaly. IT rocks.

I don’t know why so many Italians migrated to America. Lucky for us they did, otherwise we wouldn’t have had The God Father Part 1& 2 (not so much 3) or the Sopranos. But why you would leave Italy is beyond me. This country is so fricken cool. You go into a shop to buy your daughter an ice cream and there is a fridge full of beer. How civilized it that. And these little ice-cream/beer/coffee selling shops are everywhere. Did you know being an old man sitting outside a cafÈ drinking coffee and reading a paper is an actual job in this country. You have to train for it your whole life by sitting outside a cafÈ reading the paper and drinking coffee and when you are old enough they pay you to do it. By law a cafÈ has to employ at least one old man to sit outside their cafÈ. Some hire two or three so they can talk to each other. I want that job.
The Italians like to put their villages on top of hills. A lot like the Maori in New Zealand who used to put their Pa on top of hills. And for the same reason. In the old days towns and villages used to regularly try to kick the shit out of each other. If you lived on a hill you could see the baddies coming. Today it serves another purpose. It means the countryside is dotted with hill tops covered with picture perfect Italian towns. Very fricken pretty. As I thought about the Maori and their pa I reflected on the fact that in the 1940’s Maori warriors came over here and kicked the shit out if baddies. I bet they felt right at home here. I love Italy I might never leave except I am spending al my money on ice-cream, coffee and beer and it will run out in 5 days. Maybe Italy isn’t so cool when you don’t have money. Maybe that’s when you start thinking about moving to America and getting into organised crime. I really like Italy. If I had to do an advertising campaign for it I would make the tag line - ITaly, the IT country. Because it rocks.

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