Saturday, May 26, 2007

Americas aerial landscaping of Iran. Put September in your diary.

The War President has told the American people that they can expect to know if the surge is working around September. The evidence will come out that the surge has not worked not matter how much spin Bush tries to put on it. So what happens then? Bush isn’t going to admit defeat. He has publicly stated that the US won’t leave Iraq while he’s in charge. Lack of public support for the war and his Titanicesque ratings haven’t put him off. He is in this to the end. What he needs is a distraction and a chance to refocus the public’s attention on the worldwide war on terror. So I am predicting that around September is when Iran is going to get a visit from some heavy-duty made in the USA airborne ordinance. I’ve bogged about this before so I’ll try not to repeat myself. On paper it might seem crazy to provoke a new fight, the American military is overstretched as it is. But this wont be an invasion. This will be a powerful concentrated attack on Iran’s nuclear capabilities. Think about it. Neither the Saudi’s nor the Israelis want to see Iran gain nuclear capabilities. Sure Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations will denounce the attack but behind closed doors they want it to happen. There is no way Israel will ever let Iran get the bomb but the yanks know Israel cant attack Iran because that would force the other Arab countries to side with Iran and possibly trigger a bigger middle east conflict. No. The yanks will do it because everyone wants it. And when Iran responds that will be the perfect ammunition for the Republicans to use in their assault on the 2008 presidential race.


noizy said...

any theories on why this didn't happen?

Peter Vegas said...

Hi Noizy,
I reckon I was a year out on this. But i still think it will happen and for exactly the same reasons, although it looks like it might be israel who will do the job. They have been training for the mission and i read in the paper a prediction they plan to do it before the new american president is sworn in.

The article also said that even though arab nations like Saudi would condem the attack, they will privately happy.

Also read in the paper, just yesterday, that one of McCain's people got into trouble for saying that another 911 would be good for the republicans.

I would have thought it was better for the americans to do the dirty work against iran so they benefit from the retaliation, but either way, it is going to kick off this year.